Registration takes place in the Gala Hall (1st floor). The program takes place on the second floor.
Keynote session 1
Kaleva Hall
Opening and FCAI Greetings
Prof. Petri Myllymäki, Vice Director and AI Across Fields Lead, FCAI (chair of the session)
AI: Moving from invention to implementation. How AI projects are being successfully delivered
David Pool, UK Managing Director, Curious AI
Inside NVIDIA's AI infrastructure for self-driving cars
Tuomas Rintamäki, Deep learning engineer, NVIDIA
Impact of Automated Reasoning: AI and Beyond
Prof. Matti Järvisalo, University of Helsinki
Findata introduction and forthcoming services
Antti Piirainen, Head of Communications, FinData
Poster session 1
Sief and Capitolium
AI Day poster sessions highlight current, top-level research in fundamental AI methodologies as well as AI applications in industry and society. Coffee is served during the poster sessions.
Sief and Capitolium
Keynote session 2
Kaleva Hall
Chair Prof. Arno Solin, Aalto University
AI in cancer research and treatment
Prof. Sampsa Hautaniemi, University of Helsinki
Language (Technology) is the key to (Artificial) Intelligence
Prof. Jörg Tiedemann, University of Helsinki
Simulation-based design of user interfaces, games, and beyond
Prof. Perttu Hämäläinen, Aalto University
Towards edge-native artificial intelligence
Ella Peltonen, University of Oulu and Ashwin Rao, University of Helsinki
AI and the law: safeguarding and promoting innovation, creativity and competition
Juha Vesala, Postdoctoral researcher, University of Helsinki
Espoo City’s AI challenge: How can technology, ecosystem knowhow and AI help with finding solutions to beat the increasing poverty in families with children
Katja Hagman ja Heli Hiden, City of Espoo
Poster session 2
Sief and Capitolium
AI Day poster sessions highlight current, top-level research in fundamental AI methodologies as well as AI applications in industry and society. Coffee is served during the poster sessions.
Opening of the Aalto AI exhibition Connecting the Dots
Dipoli exhibition area
AI Day opens the Aalto AI exhibition Connecting the Dots, co-organized by Finnish Centre for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) and Aalto Digi Platform. The science and art exhibition revolving around the world of artificial intelligence is open from 20 November 2019 to 15 January 2020. Food and beverages are served in the opening ceremony.