
Every­one has their secrets – ma­chine learn­ing needs to re­spect pri­vacy

Photo: Susan Heikkinen / University of Helsinki

Photo: Susan Heikkinen / University of Helsinki

How can we teach artificial intelligence to make unbiased decisions? How can we protect citizens’ privacy when processing extensive amounts of data? Questions such as these need answers before the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning can be extended further.

In spring 2018, inboxes filled to the point of frustration with messages from businesses and organisations announcing their measures related to the entry into force of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR by its common name.

The purpose of the regulation was to improve the privacy of citizens whose personal details are stored in various databases, a matter that is closely related to the research conducted by Associate Professor Antti Honkela at the University of Helsinki. At FCAI, Honkela heads a research programme focused on privacy-preserving and secure artificial intelligence.

He is specialised in machine learning that preserves privacy.

“Machine learning and artificial intelligence work best on massive repositories of data. These data often contain personal information that needs to be protected. The utilisation of machine learning must not jeopardise anyone’s privacy,” Honkela states.

Ap­plic­a­tion po­ten­tial in di­verse fields

Among other fields, machine learning could be used in medical research where extensive registers that contain medical records are employed as research data. Honkela himself has contributed to developing privacy-preserving machine learning techniques in targeting treatments to serious diseases.

“The aim has been to find a form of treatment best suited to individual patients. The same cure does not necessarily always work on a different cancer even though it might appear similar. The genome, for instance, can have an impact on the efficacy of various drugs. We have been developing techniques with which to work out answers from large datasets,” Honkela explains.

The utilisation of machine learning must not jeopardise anyone’s privacy

To have sufficient data at their disposal, researchers must be able to convince people that their research does not put the participants’ privacy at risk. It must be impossible to link sensitive information with individuals.

This is a problem Honkela is solving by developing methods in machine learning and statistics.

There is demand for machine learning that considers privacy also outside medical research. Potential for applications can be found in almost all areas of life, such as applications needed for research in various fields of science, the development of predictive text for mobile phones or banking systems.

We all have secrets

These days, the protection of privacy is a common topic. Honkela believes this is exactly as it should be.

“This is about a fundamental right. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights itself specifies that each human being has an inviolable right to privacy,” he notes.

Honkela says that society’s overall ability to function is based on people having secrets that stay safe. “Someone who says they have nothing to hide hasn’t thought it through,” he adds.

For instance, they could consider whether a company that provides medical insurance should have access to the genome data of its clients. Or whether a business looking to recruit new employees should be able to read personal messages written by applicants.

Those living in Western democracies may find it hard to grasp the potential consequences of a totalitarian state gaining access to the private data of their citizens.

Ma­chines must not dis­crim­in­ate

In addition to solving problems related to privacy, the broader application of machine learning in various sectors of life requires that consideration is given to how to make artificial intelligence unbiased.

“If machine learning is used in decision-making, we have to be certain that it doesn’t discriminate against anyone subject to those decisions,” Honkela points out.

Examples of discriminative decisions made by artificial intelligence have already been seen. Amazon, the online shopping giant, started using artificial intelligence to support staff recruitment. Eventually, the system was found to discriminate against female applicants.

“Perhaps previous data were used to train the machine. If more men have been hired earlier, the system may have interpreted this as something being wrong with women,” Honkela speculates.

Equality would also be a key feature in credit decisions made by banks or in granting various social welfare subsidies.

“For us researchers, there is still a lot to do in terms of the non-discrimination principle. For the time being, we haven’t reached a consensus even on the theoretical level on how to integrate it with machine learning,” says Honkela.

Authored by Anu Vallinkoski / University of Helsinki

Deep learning model developed by Finnish AI researchers detects diabetic eye diseases accurately

Professor Kimmo Kaski. Photo Aalto University

Professor Kimmo Kaski. Photo Aalto University

Finnish AI researchers have developed a deep learning system that shows great potential in detecting diabetic eye diseases, which could facilitate doctors’ work and decrease healthcare expenses.

According to the research findings published in Nature Scientific Reports, the deep learning model detects the severity grade of diabetic retinopathy and macular edema accurately. Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most common comorbidities of diabetes that, if untreated, may lead to severe vision loss. Macular edema refers to swelling under a specific part of the retina caused by diabetic retinopathy.

The deep learning model identified referable diabetic retinopathy comparably or better than presented in previous studies, although only a very small data set was used for its training. The model turned out to be more accurate in identifying diseases when the training images of patients’ fundus were of high quality and resolution.

Results suggest that such deep learning system could increase the cost-effectiveness of screening and diagnosis and that the system could be applied to clinical examinations requiring finer grading.

Currently, retinal imaging is the most widely used method for screening and detecting retinopathy, and medical experts evaluate the severity and the degree of retinopathy in people with diabetes based on the fundus or retinal images of the patient’s eyes.

As diabetes is a globally prevalent disease and the number of patients with diabetes is rapidly increasing, also the number of retinal images will increase, which in turn introduces a large labor-intensive burden on the medical experts as well as cost to the healthcare. An automated system that would either assist medical experts or work as a full diagnostic tool could alleviate the situation.

The research group consisted of researchers from Aalto University Department of Computer Science, Digifundus Ltd – a Finnish provider of diabetic retinopathy screening and monitoring services –, and Central Finland Central Hospital.

Link to the research article:

Further information
Kimmo Kaski
Professor, Computational Science
Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI)
Aalto University Department of Computer Science