Machine Learning Coffee Seminar's fall term kicks off

Machine Learning Coffee Seminar is back from summer break, more beautiful than ever.

Machine Learning Coffee seminars are weekly seminars co-organized by FCAI (Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence) and HIIT (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology). The seminars aim to gather people from different fields of science with interest in machine learning.

We again have an impressive set of speakers lined up. This term, the lectures will be recorded and broadcasted on YouTube for a wider audience to enjoy and for you to be able to share with your colleagues and friends. More information will be coming out shortly.

The seminar starts off on Monday September 3rd with Arno Solin’s talk on Gaussian processes. The full program with abstracts is available on the seminar's website (updated as we speak).

Fall term's coffee seminar program includes:

3.9. Arno Solin (Aalto University): The Power of Gaussian Processes: Magnetic Localisation and Mapping
10.9. Markus Heinonen (Aalto University): Infinitely Deep Models with Continuous-time Flows
17.9. Tero Karras (NVIDIA): Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation


Aki Vehtari's talk on Stan and Probabilistic programming as a part of FCAI Machine Learning Coffee Minisymposium on AI in Spring 2018. Image: Matti Ahlgren

Aki Vehtari's talk on Stan and Probabilistic programming as a part of FCAI Machine Learning Coffee Minisymposium on AI in Spring 2018. Image: Matti Ahlgren